The 15th edition of SWCS – International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems was held in Lisbon from 28-31 August 2018.

The Nefocast project was presented during the speech “Kalman Tracking of GEO Satellite Signal for Opportunistic Rain Rate Estimation“, chaired by Professor Tomasz P. Zielinski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland).

Dott. Filippo Giannetti and dott. Ruggiero Reggiannini  (University of Pisa) took part together with Marco Moretti (University of Pisa – Information Engineering Department); Simone Scarfone (Pisa University); Antonio Colicelli (University of Pisa – Information Engineering Department); Francesca Caparrini and Alessandro Mazza (CNR IBIMET, Italy); Giacomo Bacci (MBI srl, Italy); Antonio Petrolino (MBI Srl, Italy); Attilio Vaccaro (MBI srl, Italy); Elisa Adirosi (CNIT, Italy); Luca Facheris (University of Florence, Italy).



Si è tenuta a Lisbona dal 28 al 31 agosto 2018 la quindicesima edizione dell’ ISWCS – International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems.

Nell’occasione è stato presentato anche il progetto Nefocast, durante lo speech “Kalman Tracking of GEO Satellite Signal for Opportunistic Rain Rate Estimation“, presieduto dal chair Tomasz P. Zielinski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland).

Oltre al dott. Filippo Giannetti ed al dott. Ruggiero Reggiannini  (Università di Pisa), sono intervenuti: Marco Moretti (Università di Pisa – Dipartimento Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Italy); Simone Scarfone (University of Pisa, Italy); Antonio Colicelli (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’ Informazione- University of Pisa, Italy); Francesca Caparrini and Alessandro Mazza (CNR IBIMET, Italy); Giacomo Bacci (MBI srl, Italy); Antonio Petrolino (MBI Srl, Italy); Attilio Vaccaro (MBI srl, Italy); Elisa Adirosi (CNIT, Italy); Luca Facheris (University of Florence, Italy).